Fair Prize Book

100’s of contests. Enter Today.


The Paris Agricultural Society is pleased to present the 2024 Paris Fair Prize Book.

The Paris Agricultural Society will be referred to as the PAS throughout this document.

ADULT EXHIBITOR FEE $10.00. JUNIOR EXHIBITORS (18 and under) are free.

The Paris Agricultural Society will be referred to as PAS throughout this document.

ADULT EXHIBITOR FEE $10.00. JUNIOR EXHIBITORS (18 and under) are free. Junior exhibitors entering an adult class must pay an exhibitor fee. One free admission for exhibitors will be handed out with entry tags.

ENTRY FEES are in addition to an exhibitor fee for some classes and are returned as prize money. 10% entry fee is deducted from each exhibitor who has been awarded total cash prize money of $5.00 or more from the following classes: Grain, Corn & Hay, Fruits, Roots & Vegetables, Art, Crafts & Hobbies, Photography, Plants & Flowers, Dairy, Apiary & Domestic Science, Handi-Crafts and Clothing.

NOTE: 100% of above mentioned deductions are applied to the cost of administering prizes.



Make your entries online at parisfairgrounds.com, email exhibit@parisfairgrounds.com, mail P.O. Box 124, Paris N3L 3E7, fax (519) 442-5121, or in person at the Fair office.

2. If unable to enter online, use YELLOW ENTRY FORMS when submitting entries by mail, fax or in person. Changes or additions to the original entry may be made at the office.

3. ALL ENTRIES must be the bonafide property of the exhibitor. In the case of every article, product, and chattel exhibited, the said article, product or chattel must be the actual production, growth or manufacture, as the case may be, of the person exhibiting same. The Directors of the Society shall discard all soiled or defaced work and instruct Judges to award prizes to new & up to date work.

Rules & Regulations

Explore important info. with the 2024 Prize Book.


A down arrow in gold.

4. Any exhibitor who interferes with judges while engaged in making their awards, either by conversation or under any pretense, will result in forfeiture of all prizes to which they might otherwise be entitled and will be promptly excluded from the competition. The decision of the judge is final; no appeal will be considered.

5. PROTEST may be made against irregularity or breach of rules by any exhibitor or interested party. A deposit of $25.00 must accompany the written protest which will be retained by the PAS if the protest is not sustained. The President and Vice-Presidents shall be a committee to decide on the protest, and their decision is final.

6. HALL EXHIBIT PICK UP is Wednesday, September 4th from 5:00-8:00 p.m.

7. While the Directors will take every possible precaution under the circumstances to secure the safety of articles sent to the exhibition, the owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting. Should any article be accidentally injured, damaged, lost, or stolen, the Directors will give all the assistance in their power toward the recovery, but will not make payment for the value thereof.

Commerical Exhibits & Concessions

A down arrow in gold.

8. Parties with articles for sale will be allowed on the grounds after meeting with the Committee in charge. A contract must be signed and the agreed price paid in full, prior to admission to the grounds. NOTICE is hereby given that the Officers of the Paris Fair reserve all rights to the grounds and may restrict or prohibit admittance to the grounds, or within 300 yards thereof, to any person or group of persons without giving any reason for this action.

9. PAS is not responsible for damage and/or loss of property.


A down arrow in gold.

10. Judges are instructed to award prizes to worthy exhibits. It is the intention of the Paris Fair to give no distinction or premium of any kind to an article that is not deserving of such awards.

11. JUNIOR PRIZE MONEY will be paid out at Fair Office starting noon, Saturday September 2nd, until September 6th. Exhibitor or parent must sign for prizes. All premiums not taken up by November 30, shall be forfeited to PAS.

12. ADULT PRIZE MONEY can be picked up at the Fair Office on Wednesday, September 6th during exhibit pick up. Unclaimed prize money over $5.00 will be mailed in October. Prize money under $5.00 will not be mailed. All premiums not taken up by November 30th shall be forfeited.

13. IN CASE of insufficient funds due to weather or other conditions noted in item 15, PAS reserves the right to pay only a percentage of the prizes awarded for exhibits.

Powers of the Society

A down arrow in gold.

The interpretation of these rules and regulations is made by the managing committee of the PAS, and their decision will be final. In case of a printing error in the prize list, the Society will have the final decision.

Hold Harmless Agreement

A down arrow in gold.

15. Upon making an entry or display, the Exhibitor shall indemnify and hold harmless the PAS, their directors, officers and members from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits or proceedings by any third parties that may arise out of, or may attribute to, all operations performed by or carried out by the Exhibitor, his agents, employees, or anyone for whose acts he may be at law be responsible, howsoever caused.

The Exhibitor agrees that if and whenever and to the extent that the PAS may be prevented, delayed or restricted in whole or in part from holding the Paris Fair by reason of any cause beyond the PAS’s control including, without limitation, strikes or Presidents shall be a committee to decide on the protest, and their decision is final.

Media Consent

A down arrow in gold.

16. PAS takes photographs and video images of events and exhibits during the Paris Fair. These photos and videos may be used by the PAS on their website, Facebook, other social media outlets and print advertising. By attending and exhibiting at Paris Fair you consent to the use of images and photos in whole or in part for advertising and promotional purposes. You waive the right to privacy and financial compensation of any and all images used.

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